Sunday, March 21, 2010

Featured Artist of the Week 3/21/2010 Presents: Elliot Luv

Ladies and gentleman its that time again...NEW Featured Artist of the Week, local favorite, ELLIOT LUV! Elliot is a native of New Orleans, This R&B singer is making some noise in his city and has developed an audience through his mixed cd's, R&B City vol.1-vol. 2, & Song In The Trash Can). He then was inspired to do release his debut album "Elliot Luv Blaque". Below you will find more information on the artist, his music and contact information. Sit back and enjoy Elliot Luv...

***Who is He?

***His Music

"Only U"

"Let U Go"

R&B City Vol. 2 click 

"Elliot Luv Blaque" available at: & &


***How Can I Reach Him?

Congratulations Elliot Luv! Thank you for letting me share your talent with the world. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future. Good luck with all of your endeavors! 

***Readers, if you liked what you just saw feel free to comment below. ALL FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED...

1 comment:

  1. I love your songs they all is os hot!!! keep up the good work...the work u put in your songs it going to pay off for u . Elliot think u for leting me see your work it was good talent and again i love all of them congratulations to u . i would like to come out to see u one day . thinks !!!!!!!!!!! India Lee my email (


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