Sunday, April 11, 2010

Featured Artist of the Week 4/11/2010 Presents: N.E.P.H.E.W.

Ladies & Gentleman I proudly present to you this week's Featured Artist of the Week, N.E.P.H.E.W.! N.E.P.H.E.W. is a native of Chicago and has a unique style. When we think of Chicago, we think Kanye & Common, well N.E.P.H.E.W has made it a point to sound like N.E.P.H.E.W. So take a listen & see what he has to offer. Below you will find a bio, music links, video footage and contact information on how to book him. So, take a look at Featured Artist of the Week, N.E.P.H.E.W. and as always, feedback is always appreciated & welcome. 

***Who is He???
N.E.P.H.E.W. Its not just a name, its a philosophy, an outlook, an approach, a way of life. The 24-year-old Chicago rapper describes his music as hip-hop slash world, but don't expect to hear any tribal chanting or Brazilian drum work from Nephew. Instead, prepare to take a journey into the mindstate of Chicago's best-kept secret.

Neph-ology is 13 tracks of lyrical firepower and rhymes as hard as Chicago steel. Combining head-knocking beats with words that poke, provoke, and evoke. Within months accolades (and orders) poured in from around the globe, and Nephew built a substantial online following in Canada, Korea, Germany, Poland, and the United States solidifying the beginning of N.E.P.H.E.W'S Musical Impact.

***His Music

"Make Me Wanna Holla"

"Grew Up At"

***Video Footage

***How Can You Get More of Him???




Congratulations N.E.P.H.E.W. on being my Featured Artist of the Week! Thank you for letting me share your talent with the world & I look forward to hearing more from you and wish you all the luck in your future endeavors. 
Remember people, leave your feedback & is definitely taken into consideration...

The Hut Studios NOLA

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